
The Composer at Radio Free Europe

The text tells about the interesting life of…

Czekając na „swój czas”. Zapomniane polskie miniatury i sonaty na altówkę z fortepianem połowy XX wieku

Jakie skarby polskiej literatury altowiolowej drzemią w bibliotekach i czy inspiracje dziełami Karola Szymanowskiego były…

Statement from the Musicological Community of Ukraine

Statement from the musicological community of Ukraine to musicians, musicologists, cultural institutions,…

Life Choises: Causes and Effects of Migration (part 2)

The twentieth century, taken in its entirety, was an unusually dynamic time for the world…

Life Choises: Causes and Effects of Migration (part 1)

The twentieth century, taken in its entirety, was an unusually dynamic time for the world…

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